August 31, 2008
last wk derrh sheares bridge marathon was fun! :] hahas.
went thr wif yi liang and de kang but ran with zarchi....
10km [cant believe that i actually finished it~]
got a finisher medal :DD *claps*
th field was super muddy moment i rch thr, nid find for th bag deposit mahh
cos rch thr late uhh...flag-off time was 7.30am
suddenly walk walk walk, shoe went into it...those soft and squashy soil :/
ARGH!!! my shoes ><" pek chek uhh. hahas.
funny luh...we all all started onli running after ppl have flag-off :)
zarchi and i stopped at every drinking station to drink uhh...actually they very waste water ehh...they want fast mahh dan anyhow pour, alot got out of th cup :/ haiz
while running saw a lot of yt ppl, guides were running also....saw vivienne and gwen! :D hahas.
wa...upon seeing finishing line, SHIOK sia...hahas...dan saw shiwei, connie, huisze, peiying and shuhui they all standing at th finishing line thr....:] hahas.
sadly...junze lost his medal luh...haiz :( cos actually i also dunno how he lost but we got try looking for it but cant find
after th race...slack slack arnd th area...hahas :D
saw th ncc guys (ivan, hafiz, azrul....and mre) sitting along th road....they went for 21 km and they completed it! *claps*
dan after that mah mah call me say wan go makan tgt...along with gwen
very diff to find him luh...i dunno walk how many rounds and after dunno how long dan manage to find him ><" its diff to find smeone thr...its so crowded and so noisy and so big and most ppl are wearing th tshirt! o.O everyone looks like teeny weeny ants scurring arnd :D
go food court makan with ivan, yi liang, gwen and other guides :D hahas.
went hme wif yi liang...cos mah mah dunno wan go movie or wat dan gwen going movie with her stead uhh. we took mrt all th way to marina bay dan take back...hahas :] both of us fell asleep on th mrt...tired lorrh :O yawn.
my legs hurts for the nxt 2 days...awww...monday i cant sit down on th floor and climb up the stairs...pain uhh ><" maybe ache~ hahas
anw...HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY to all tchers! :D th concert on fri in sch was great!!! nice uhh-
i was doing backstage duty with li tong and shuhui :]
11:32 PM
August 23, 2008
yuppp...yuppp...a lot a lot of thingy happen lorrh
term test has ended....
and my results are like shit! :/ haiz
no eyes see uhhhhhh ==
but my poa was a miracle...surprisingly....WELL! *claps* :DDD
rotted at hme cca no nth mahh :]
my mummy woke me up...i culd have slept longer :/
i got nth to do luh~
intended to go woodlands library support boon yee for th comp...but didnt go in th end.
it was raining so heavily...><" tv lorrh :D hahas
i make my ic liao :DDD hahas.
went to make it on coincidence luh....
andy chan, whose bdae is on 08july, which is aft ONE MONTH ltr also decided to have his ic done on that day
copycrab! xP
09aug had a perf and was super suay...dun wan talk bout it luh
went to ficky bbq at nite. his bdae uhh-
meet guo wei at semb mrt...dan go tgt
didnt know ficky got invite krystal :D hahas.
and...krstal brought gene along
we were playing in th swimming pool tgt...i mean our feet inside onli
i cant swim ><"
ficky's bro supppppeeeeerrrrr CUTE, but he's shy uhh! :) hahahhahas
and....poor ferd got burnt by a flying matchstick frm "no wher" that nite...his back was red uhhhhh. th matchstick was burning when it fell into ferd's shirt o.O
went hme with gene at 10pm like that :D hahas.
jun hao came so late luh...he 9plus dan cme
ficky was thrown into th pool...hahahahahahahas...and sme notes stuck in his pocket was wet.
it should not happen again, but it just happen on that very nite again...i dunno wat to say bout wat happen that nite but i dun think it was your fault, so you dun hav to apologise...and it was a great ending after all. anw thanks for ending it. it should have ended earlier by rite =]
whee~ going for th sheares bridge marathon tmr
10 km o.O dunno can make it not ><"
nid wake up soooooooo early :O *yawn*
gotta go...tired uhh~ :)))
ITS LAGgers 6th MONTHS OLD TMR!!!!! 24th- :DDD
half yrs old :]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! *clappppssss*
10:15 PM